Operation Tidal Wave Aircraft Roster

44 66 42-40182 A FORKY II Gentry, Rowland M. 66thBS 9 8 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
44 66 41-23778 F LADY LUCK Felber, Robert E. 66thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 66 42-40375 G SCRAPPY II Scrivner, Thomas E. 66thBS 9 9       Lost near the target, Ploesti.
44 66 41-23936 J MARGURITE/QUEEN ANNE Flaherty, Joseph E. 66thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 66 41-23811 K FASCINATIN' WITCH Miller, Robert E. 66thBS 9         Diverted to Malta.
44 66 41-24153 L SAD SACK II Lasco, Henry A. 66thBS 9 5 4     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
44 66 42-40764 M HELEN B. HAPPY Irby, Shelby L. 66thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 66 42-40777 N FLOSSIE FLIRT Hughes, Charles E. 66thBS 9     9   Lost - Landed at Chorlu, Turkey; Interned.
44 66 41-24015 R WING DINGER Winger, George W. 66thBS 9 7 2     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
44 67 42-40995 C SATAN'S HELL CATS Houston, Rowland B. 67thBS 9 9       Lost over Romania on return flight.
44 67 42-63761 D LIL' ABNER Weaver, Worden L. 67thBS 9 1 8     Lost over Romania on return flight.
44 67 41-23779 G 4Q2 Henderson, Charlie P. 67thBS 9         Diverted to Malta.
44 67 42-40780 H AVAILABLE JONES Jones, Fred E. 67thBS 9   9     Lost - Shot down over Ionian Sea on return flight.
44 67 41-23817 L SUZY~Q Brandon, William H. 44HQ 9         Returned to Libya.
44 67 41-24232 M CALABAN Hill, James E. 67thBS 9         Diverted to Malta.
44 67 42-40267 N HORSE FLY Mitchell, Edward R. 67thBS 9     9   Lost - Landed at Chorlu, Turkey; Interned.
44 67 41-24229 P BUZZIN' BEAR Cameron, William R. 67thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 67 42-40371 Q G.I. GAL Reinhart, Elmer H. 67thBS 9 1 8     Lost over Romania on return flight.
44 68 42-40071 C MARGARET ANN II Jansen, George R. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 68 41-23788 D AVENGER Hughes, William D. 68thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
44 68 42-40731 N HAG MAG the Mothball Queen Martin, George P. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 68 41-23699 P LEMON DROP Phillips, Reginald H. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 68 41-24225 T FLAK ALLEY Alexander, David W. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 68 41-24211 U WING AND A PRAYER Holmes, Walter T. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 68 41-23813 V VICTORY SHIP Diehl, John H. 68thBS 9 1       Returned to Libya.
44 68 42-40373 Z NATCHEZ BELLE Shannon, Eunice M. 68thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 42-40172 C LYNN BARI II Anderson, William N. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 41-24235 C EARTHQUAKE (MCGOON) Bunker, Walter I. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 42-41013 D TROUBLE Stevens, Gordon S. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 41-24201 O BALDY AND HIS BROOD Strong, William H. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 42-40778 T SOUTHERN COMFORT Austin, Horace W. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 41-24234 U MR. 5 X 5 Beam, James C. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 42-40370 V HEAVEN CAN WAIT Whitlock, Charles A. 506thBS 9         Aborted.
44 506 42-40606 X TIMBA-A-H! Larson, Richard A. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 41-24282 Y RUTH-LESS Slough, Frank D. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44 506 41-24283 Z OLD CROW McAtee, James C. 506thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
44   41-24024 34 BEWITCHING WITCH Carpenter, Reginald L. 67thBS 9 2       Lost -- Ditched in Med. On return flight.
44   42-40973 Z BATTLEAXE Salyer, Charles A. 389thBG 9         Returned to Libya.
93 328 41-24192 A DOGPATCH RAIDER Avandano, Joseph 328thBS 10         Diverted to Sicily.
93 328 41-23711 B JERKS NATURAL Hickman, Cleveland D. 328thBS 10         Diverted to Sicily.
93 328 42-40604 C SATAN'S ANGELS Ford, Herrel E. 328thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 328 41-23722 C BOMERANG Martin, Roy G. 328thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 328 41-23729 D SHOOT LUKE Black, George C. 328thBS 11         Aborted.
93 328 42-40994 D HELL'S WENCH Baker, Addison E. 93HQ 10 10       Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 328 42-40246 F THUNDER MUG Longnecker, Russell D. 328thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 328 42-40128 J BALL OF FIRE III/WAR BABY Tate, Joseph S. 328thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 328 42-40612 K EUROCLYDON  THE STORM Porter, Enoch M. 328thBS 11 8 3     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 328 42-40608 M VULGAR VIRGIN Turner, Claude A. 328thBS 10     10   Lost - Landed at Chorlu, Turkey; Interned.
93 329 41-23809 N HELLSADROPPIN II Harvey, Julian A. 329thBS 10         Aborted.
93 329 42-40127 O THAR SHE BLOWS AGAIN Merrill, Charles T. 329thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93 329 41-24111 P PICCADILLY FILLEY Collins, Theron U. 329thBS 10         Aborted.
93 329 41-23682 Q THE BLASTED EVENT Brown, George S. 93HQ 10         Returned to Libya.
93 329 41-23810 S TARFU Hurd, Earl C. 329thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93 329 42-40765 T VALIENT VIRGIN DeMont, Russell D. 329thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93 329 42-40781 U HELLS ANGELS Harms, Roy C. 329thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 329 42-40804 X THE LADY JANE/BERTHA Meehan, William E. 329thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 329 41-24230 Z Jo-Jo'S Special Delivery/Hare's to Ya McBride, Ralph J. 329thBS 11 11       Lost - Shot down over Ionian Sea on return flight.
93 330 42-40969 A BIG NOISE Emmons, John W. 330thBS 11         Aborted.
93 330 41-24147 A THE DUCHESS/EVELYN Potts, Ramsay D. 330thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93 330 41-24109 C READY & WILLING Roche, John R. 330thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 330 42-40613 E PUDGY Teltser, Milton 330thBS 11 6 5     Lost over Romania on return flight.
93 330 41-23717 H EXTERMINATOR Roper, Hugh R. 330thBS 11 11       Lost -- Mid-air collision with Olliffe during withdrawl.
93 330 42-40609 I JERSEY BOUNCE Long, Worthy A. 330thBS 10 6 4     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 330 42-24121 J LET'ER RIP Olliffe, Victor E. 330thBS 11 8 3     Lost -- Mid-air collision with Roper during withdrawl.
93 330 41-24226 L UTAH MAN Stewart, Walter T. 330thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93 409 42-40617 N JOSE CARIOCA Stampolis, Nicholas 409thBS 10 10       Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 409 41-24105 Q TUPELO LASS Dessert, Kenneth O. 409thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 409 41-23742 R LIBERTY LAD McFarland, Kenton D. 409thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
93 409 41-24215 S LUCKY Kendall, Harold K. 409thBS 11         Diverted to Sicily.
93 409 41-23754 U LITTLE LADY Wilkinson, Richard L. 409thBS 12     12   Lost - Landed at Chorlu, Turkey; Interned.
93 409 41-24298 V QUEENIE Brown, Llewellyn L. 409thBS 11         Diverted to Sicily.
93 409 42-40265 W HONKEY TONK GAL Womble, Hurbert H. 409thBS 10 1 9     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
93 409 42-40611 X DEATH DEALER Geron, Alva J. 409thBS 11 1       Returned to Libya.
93 409 42-40610 Y <unknown if any> League, Miles R. 409thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
93   41-24259 30 <unknown if any> Freese, Howard W. 329thBS 9         Aborted.
98 343 41-11776 O JERSEY JACKASS/BASHFUL McGraw, John J. 389thBG 10 8 2     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 343 41-11840 P THE WITCH Darlington, Julian T. 389thBG 10   6   4 Lost - crash land at Bulgaria-Yugoslavia border.
98 343 42-41007 P MARGIE Gooden, Clarence W. 343thBS 10 8 2     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 343 41-11767 Q SHANGHI LIL Looker, Carl S. 343thBS 10         Aborted.
98 343 41-11761 R THE SQUAW/SLEEPY LeBrecht, Royden L. 343thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
98 343 42-40655 S DAMIFINO or FOUR EYES Hadcock, Lawrence 343thBS 9 9       Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 343 42-40082 T PRINCE CHARMING Bennett, Thomas W. 343thBS 9         Aborted.
98 343 41-11896 U- NIGHTMARE Bleyer, Julian N. 98HQ 10         Returned to Libya.
98 343 41-11921 W NORTHERN STAR/DOC Underwood, Glen W. 343thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
98 343 42-40313 X BOOTS Murphy, Lawrence E. 343thBS 10 8 2     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 343 42-40364 Y SNOW WHITE and the Seven Dwarves Gunn, James A. III 343thBS 9 8 1     Lost over Bulgaria on return flight.
98 343 41-11620 Z EDNA ELIZABETH Haverty, James C. 93rdBG 10         Aborted.
98 344 41-24197 A TAGALONG Hinch, Ralph V. 344thBS 10 5 5     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 344 41-24026 B BABY Weisler, Francis E. 344thBS 10         Aborted.
98 344 41-24198 C THE VULGAR VIRGIN Taylor, Wallace C. 344thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 344 41-11768 D KICKAPOO Nespor, Robert J. 344thBS 10 8       Aborted.
98 344 41-11803 E ROSIE WRECK'EM Arens, Herbert W. 344thBS 10         Aborted.
98 344 41-24040 F BIG OPERATOR Edwards, Hoover 344thBS 10         Aborted.
98 344 41-11819 G RAUNCHY Neeley, Samuel R. 344thBS 10 8 2     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 344 41-23656 H ROWDY II Gaston, Allen B. 344thBS 10         Aborted.
98 344 41-23795 I SNEEZY Johnson, Donald G. 343thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 344 41-23733 J SKIPPER Colchagoff, George D. 344thBS 10         Aborted.
98 344 42-40208 K SAD SACK Banks, William D. 344thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
98 344 41-24311 L HADLEY'S HAREM Hadley, Gilbert B. 344thBS 10 3 7     Lost -- ditched off south coast of Turkey.
98 344 41-11825 V Hail Columbia/LITTLE-CHIEF BIG-DOG Kane, John Riley 98HQ 10         Lost -- Crash landed on Cyprus
98 345 41-24246 N SEMPER FELIX Sulflow, August W. 345thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 345 41-11774 O CHIEF Fravega, Thomas P. 389thBG 10         Diverted to Sicily.
98 345 42-40663 P MATERNITY WARD Ward, John V. 345thBS 10 8 2     Lost - Shot down over Ionian Sea on return flight.
98 345 42-40991 Q KATE SMITH Deeds, James A. 345thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 345 41-11886 S LIL JOE Hussey, Lindley P. 345thBS 9 5 4     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 345 42-40102 T OLD BALDY Dore, John J. 345thBS 10 10       Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 345 41-23661 U BLACK JACK Hahn, Delbert H. 345thBS 10         Diverted to Sicily.
98 345 41-11766 V CHUG-A-LUG Morgan, LeRoy B. 345thBS 9 1       Returned to Libya.
98 345 42-40402 W THE SANDMAN Sternfels, Robert W. 345thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
98 345 42-40316 X SNAKE EYES Blevins, Hillary M. 345thBS 10         Lost -- Crash landed on Sicily.
98 345 42-40312 Y AIRE LOBO Thomas, John B. 345thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 415 42-40662 A BLACK MAGIC Patch, Dwight D. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-24195 B LITTLE JOE Pettigrew, Wesley N. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 42-63758 D LI'L JUGHAID Nicholson, Robert G. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-23782 E BOILER MAKER II Helin, Theodore E. 415thBS 10   10     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
98 415 42-40195 F PENELOPE Speiser, Martin A. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-11815 G DAISY MAE Ellis, Lewis N. 389thBG 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-11817 H STINGER Opsata, Andrew W. 389thBG 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-11836 I LI'L DE-ICER Merrick, James L. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 41-24023 J FERTILE MYRTLE Shingler, Herbert I. 415thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
98 415 42-40322 K CORNHUSKER McCarty, Ned 415thBS 10 10       Lost - Shot down over Ionian Sea on return flight.
98 415 42-40520 M YEN TU McGuire, Edward T. 415thBS 10 7 3     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
376 512 41-24297 20-E CHIEF WAHOO Hines, Wilford E. 512thBS 10     10   Lost -- Landed Kardak LG, Turkey; Interned.
376 512 41-23724 22-Z DOODLEBUG McAtee, John E. 512thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 512 41-24258 23-A DESERT LILLY Iovine, Guy T. 512thBS 9         Aborted.
376 512 42-40563 28-D WONGO WONGO! Flavelle, Brian W. 512thBS 10 10       Lost -- Crashed into the Med at 1130, south of Corfu.
376 512 42-40229 31-B BOMB BOOGIE Miller, Richard T. 512thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 512 41-24294 36-V BREWERY WAGON Palm, John D. 512thBS 10 2 8     Lost near the target, Ploesti.
376 512 42-40658 38-F WARMAID Miller, James I. 512thBS 9         Diverted to Cyprus.
376 513 42-40315 40-P WOLF PACK DeVeuve, James P. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 513 41-11779 41-N LI'L ABNER Whitlock, Hubert H. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 513 41-11916 42-F TANGERINE Hobbs, Charles L. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 513 41-11591 45-G QUEEN BEE/LORRAINE Zimmerman, William R. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 513 41-24032 51-K LET'S GO! Fogel, Ernest W. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 513 42-40317 54-L BARREL HOUSE BESSIE Friberg, Wayne V. 513thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 513 42-40660 56-A LITTLE RICHARD Lear, Dean E. 513thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 514 41-11935 60-E PER DIEM THE SECOND Storz, Robert H. 514thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 514 41-24310 62-D <unknown if any> O'Sullivan, Donald P. 514thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 514 41-11636 63-P WASH'S TUB Bock, James 514thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 514 42-40206 64-I 8 BALL! Conn, Myron R. 514thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
376 514 41-24252 70-W <none> Ryan, Lyle T. 514thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 514 41-23410 72-J <unknown if any> Whipple, Harlan D. 514thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
376 514 42-40657 74-U G.I. GINNIE Appold, Norman C. 514thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 42-40664 100-A TEGGIE ANN Compton, Keith K. 376HQ 10         Returned to Libya.
376 515 42-40203 81-L
Bley, Charles W. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 41-11630 83-M
                CHUM-V     *KITTY QUICK
DuFour, Jerome P. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 42-40232 85-N
Holt, Guy E. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 42-40319 88-T
Hurd, Donaldson B. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 41-24030 90-K
Gluck, Edwin L. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
376 515 41-24031 94-S
Wright, Frank C. 515thBS 9         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40746 B OLE IRISH McLaughlin, Frank B. 564thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40772 C SCHEHEREZADE Blackis, John T. 564thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40803 F <unknown if any> Smith, Richard B. 564thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40776 H OLD BLISTER BUTT Wright, Robert L. 564thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40773 I <unknown if any> Fowble, Edward L. 564thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 564 42-40753 J OLE KICKAPOO Hughes, Lloyd H. 564thBS 10 8 2     Lost near the target, Campina.
389 565 42-40629 N SCORPION Caldwell, Kenneth M. 565thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 565 42-40749 P SACK-TIME SALLY Braly, Roy E. 565thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 565 42-40716 R YOURS TRULY Rodenberg, Elmer R. 565thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 565 42-40744 S <none> James, Harold L. 565thBS 10     10   Lost -- Landed at Izmir, Turkey; Interned.
389 565 42-40787 V VAGABOND KING McCormick, John B. 565thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
389 565 42-40795 X
Tolleson, James F. 565thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 565 42-40775 Y WOLF WAGON Matson, Kenneth H. 565thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 565 41-23933 Z SWEET ADELINE II Podolak, Stanislaus J. 565thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
389 566 42-40115 A- THE BOOMERANG Neef, Melvin E. 566thBS 11   11     Lost over Romania on return flight.
389 566 42-40722 B- THE LITTLE GRAMPER Dieterle, Jack W. 566thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 566 42-40735 C- SAND WITCH Horton, Robert W. 566thBS 10 9 1     Lost near the target, Campina.
389 566 42-40706 F- TONDELAO Whitener, Cecil J. 566thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 566 42-40623 I- <unknown if any> Westerbeke, Donald G. 566thBS 10         Diverted to Malta.
389 566 42-40738 J- THE OKLAHOMAN Conroy, Thomas C. 566thBS 10         Diverted to Malta.
389 567 42-40793 H- BLONDS AWAY Nading, William D. 567thBS 10         Diverted to Cyprus.
389 567 42-40619 N- <none> Ward, Emery M. 567thBS 11         Returned to Libya.
389 567 42-40743 O- <none> Sisson, Dale L. 567thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 567 42-40544 R- HITLER's HEARSE Mooney, Robert C. 567thBS 10 1   9   Lost -- Landed near Izmir, Turkey; Interned.
389 567 42-40747 S- <none> Selvidge, William M. 567thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 567 42-40807 U- <none> Spurrier, Chester E. 567thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 567 42-40733 V- <none> Gerrick, Clarence W. 567thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
389 567 42-40782 X-
O'Reilly, Robert J. 565thBS 10 1 9     Lost over Romania on return flight.
389 567 42-40751 Y-
Denton, William J. 567thBS 10         Returned to Libya.
            Totals: 1751 306 139 69 4  
*= Aircraft named after 8/1/43. Men KIA POW INT EVD